Doctrinal Statement
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Doctrinal Statement
1.We believe in the trinity:The Father,The Son,The Holy Ghost

2.Salvation is through Jesus Christ

3.We believe in security of the believer

The History or Story Behind My Site
This site was started to help the believer have a deeper faith in Christ and to provide him or her with the tools to do this with.One of the greatest things we can do is provide the christian with the tools to win the lost for Christ.If one person gets saved then it is well worth the time and effort to put a site together.May the things offered here enrich you,encourage you in your walk with Christ.

My Influences
E.Ray Garland-My mentor,friend his help is invaluable in putting this site together

Ken Morrison-His help in applying the principles of the bible to my life

The greatest influence on my life has been the Jesus Christ becouse without him I would still be lost and going to hell

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